Metformin reverses aging in monkeys in potential longevity discovery

Metformin, an anti-aging elixir may have been under experts' noses for more than 70 years and is already being taken by 80million Americans. Scientists have found this cheap and common diabetes drug used since the 1950s can de-age monkeys, in what could be a major breakthrough for longevity research.

Scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Beijing Institute of Genomics discovered metformin, a pill used to lower blood sugar in diabetics, 'markedly' slowed down aging in monkeys.

It reduced deterioration of the brain and boosted cognitive abilities while also slowing down bone loss and aiding in the 'rejuvenation' of several tissues and organs. 

Researchers said all of the findings led to the conclusion that 'metformin can reduce biological age indicators' up to six years and the medication could pave the way for aging reversal in humans.

Read the rest of the article here.


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