Scientists explore longevity drugs for dogs that could also ‘extend human life’
Not for nothing are dogs called man’s best friend: they are good for their owners’ mental and physical health, and some studies have shown that if you’re looking for a date and want to seem more attractive, it might be time to get a canine companion.
So what would it be like if dogs could live for ever – and what if that secret could help their owners live longer, healthier lives too?
A number of companies are now finding common ground between the two goals.
Early next year, Loyal, a US biotech start-up, is confident that it will bring LOY-002, a daily, beef-flavoured pill, to market that could give dogs a minimum of one extra year of healthy life.
The San Francisco-based firm has raised $125m (£100m) in funding from companies who have held back from investing in human longevity projects because of the decades those trials would take.
But Celine Halioua, founder and chief executive of Loyal – which is part of Cellular Longevity, a biotech firm researching the science of longevity – believes their work will benefit humans.
Read the full article here.
Article by Amelia Hill, reporter for The Guardian Newspaper